The Fabric that Creates Our Stories

Fabric that creates our stories

Let’s talk about the stories that make us! We all have moments in our lives that we sometimes wish hadn’t happened. There may be certain experiences that we wished had gone a different way than they did. Or even just a small rough patch that you wish you could’ve somehow dodged along the way. I know that I have a huge chunk of childhood experiences I’ve wished I could have replaced with better ones and some mistakes that I’ve made in my teenage or young adult years that I would do over again if I could.

The problem with trying to recreate history, however, is that if we were to do that we would completely miss out on the lesson that we were supposed to learn. In addition to that we would also not have the experiences that help to shape and mold us into the people we were meant to become. I was watching an episode of Oprah’s Master Class and the guest was talking about the fact that the stories that we share with others, the wisdom that we tend to draw on from other people’s experiences, come from the rough patches in life.

We wouldn’t have those experiences and those moments that give us teaching tools for life if there were no rough patches to begin with. What I’ve gone through in my life, the issues I’ve had with deep depression, the abuse I suffered in my childhood, even my struggles with my weight throughout most of my life, sure I may wish they hadn’t happened, but they could very well be the inspiration that someone else needs down the line.

I think of all of the inspiration that I’ve gotten from other people’s struggles and the obstacles that they’ve overcome to get to the level of success that they’re at now and it’s amazing. Knowing that when I finally achieve the goals that I’ve set out to accomplish and when I get to that level of success where I can truly influence others, to think that I could possibly provide some inspiration to someone else in the future and possibly give them feelings of hope is extremely comforting to me.

Our struggles that we endure and the obstacles that we battle through become some of the greatest fabric to our story. To ever try and wish that away would more than likely be a costly mistake because so much of our trials and tribulations are woven so intricately into our lives that without them we could be completely different people and not necessarily who we were ever meant to be. So when you start to dwell on the hard times that you’ve experienced, stop and think. If you were to wish those hard times away, those rough patches, then you wouldn’t have a story to tell. Those experiences have built your character and they are the reason that you can inspire the world around you. So make your stories count and let them be a way to heal somebody else.


Jimmetta Carpenter



Progress Doesn’t Happen In a Straight Line

Progress is Not a Straight Line 2

Let’s talk about progress! Moving forward doesn’t always mean that the trajectory of that movement won’t come without taking a few steps backward. The problem with that is that at times the backwards steps can throw us for a loop and it can take the wind out of our sails. Naturally we lose the momentum that we had and have to reconfigure how we’re going to get everything back on track again.

Every backwards step is not necessarily a negative. Sometimes we have to go back and look at what we did wrong to begin with so that we can figure out how to effectively navigate our way through the mistakes and find the positive lessons to take with us to the next level. The only way you can truly move forward in the journey is to be able to honestly assess everything. We can’t just highlight the good moments and overlook or completely ignore the bumps in the road.

There is no straight line that gets us from point A all the way to Z. This course has many twists and turns and even some ups and downs that we aren’t always going to see as a necessary part of the journey. But even though these pit falls seem like huge boulder sized obstacles that can completely derail us, they oftentimes are bigger opportunities to learn something that we might not have learned if we had never stumbled to begin with.

The key to getting back on track with your goals is to accept the fact that you’ve had a setback and allow that misstep to be a lesson. We don’t progress if we don’t educate ourselves on what we don’t know and sometimes getting knocked backwards is the only way we begin to realize what it will actually take to move forward. Most of the time it’s not the tripping, or even the falling backwards that becomes the reason we don’t eventually succeed. It’s the staying down and never getting back up to move forward that stunts our growth. So stop trying to protect yourself from making mistakes. Just make sure that you learn something from the one’s that you make.


Jimmetta Carpenter

Shutting Out the Noise

Shutting Out the Noise

Let’s talk about distractions! The noise of our distractions can be so loud sometimes that it drowns out what really matters to us. There are so many things that keep people from succeeding and being productive in their endeavors. From friends and even family, to television and other things that aren’t of high priority, the environment we surround ourselves with can sometimes do more harm to us than good.

What can also be a distraction to our ultimate goals are the no’s that we hear and the failures that we endure. The obstacles that are thrown at us to derail our journey can allow us to get distracted. We tend to get caught up in the failed attempts at whatever it is we were trying to get accomplished that we overlook the fact that a failed attempt means that there was an attempt to begin with.

A failed attempt is a lesson for what not to do in the next attempt. People who like to constantly remind you of what you’ve failed at and who try to discourage you from making any further attempts at greatness are just distractions in disguise. I used to get distracted by the no’s and I’ll admit that sadly I was a person who had allowed defeat to make me feel defeated. I’ve been working really hard to make sure I change that. I have been working to not allow myself to fall into those particular distractions because they are not good for my productivity.

Sometimes, as hard as it may be to do, you have to block out the moments of defeat. You have to let go of the feelings of self-doubt that hearing no can bring about. You have to treat those moments in which you feel like you’ve failed as teaching tools for your path moving forward. Don’t be so distracted by the obstacle that you completely miss the lesson that it’s meant to teach you.


Jimmetta Carpenter


The Company That You Keep

The company that you keep

Let’s talk about atmosphere! The things and people you surround yourself with says a lot, not only about who you are but also about what you want out of your life. For instance, if all you surround yourself with are people who are negative and put out negative energies and your focus is on everything but your dreams and goals then you are inevitably going to absorb that negative energy and you will not get any closer to where it is that you say you want to go in terms of career. On the flip side, if you only allow positive people and things into your space and you keep your focus sharp then you are more likely to have a favorable outcome when it comes to achieving your goals in life.

I will admit that when I was in the midst of my latest bout of depression I wasn’t doing the best job of censoring the people I let into my space and my focus was so off that I didn’t just turn off down the wrong road somewhere, but I got completely off the track when it comes to my dreams and goals. I lost my way and at that moment I was so in my state of depression that it came off to anyone else looking inside my life from the outside as if I really didn’t give a damn.

The thing was I did care, so much so that I agonized over not being where I wanted to be in life and I agonized over not being able to conjure up the amount of energy that I needed to get things moving again. But now that I’ve pulled myself out of that space and I am trying to get myself and my dreams back on track I realize that I have to start limiting my surroundings and the people I let in my atmosphere, or rather the people that I keep in my atmosphere. This is why I believe in keeping a small circle of people around me because that way I don’t allow it to get too cluttered with negativity therefore it doesn’t become a toxic environment.

The atmosphere that you keep around you plays a large part in whether or not you reach your goals. If the people in your circle are draining you, if they’re not supporting your ambition, then reevaluate their position in your life. If they are pulling from your energy without trying to replenish it and add back to it, if there is nothing you are gaining from them, then you need to take a hard look at who you’re keeping around and whether they are truly good for your progression.

You can’t keep everyone around you when you are trying to go forward and they still want you to stay behind and dwell in the negative space that you may have been in before. Keep your focus clear, and pay attention to the energy of the people surrounding you and eliminate what isn’t propelling you towards your destination. I know how it sounds to say that but everyone can not go where you are going, and they’re not meant to!


Jimmetta Carpenter
