We’re Not Always Going to Like What We See, But We Still Need to See It

Before this year even started it was dubbed the year of perfect vision. It was supposed to be the year of clarity and clarification and of people leveling up in their lives. Then the world came crashing to a halt and between the Corona Virus that hit us like a tanker truck and the police brutality that has had a shiny spotlight placed on it which has led to social unrest that we haven’t seen the likes of possibly since the civil rights movement, people are just exhausted: mentally, physically, and emotionally.

We’ve essentially been on lockdown for the better part of this year and have had protests and marches to try to combat racial injustices across the country simultaneously. On top of that we’ve lost so many people as well as influential celebrities this year, some to COVID-19 and some to other illnesses like the most recent loss of Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther) which hit really hard for the black community and especially our younger black children who finally got to see a superhero on the big screen that looked like them.

Even with all of that I am still willing myself to see the positive somehow because it doesn’t do any good to dwell and sit in the negative. 2020 may have not been the clarity and clarification that everyone thought we were going to get this year but I implore you to see just how this has actually lived up to the year that people thought it would, it just didn’t look the way that people thought it was going to. I think that if people truly think about what they gained from this year instead of solely focusing on what they might have missed out on or lost then you may be able to see it the way I see it.

Obviously I’m not saying that we should have had the record number of deaths that we have had since COVID-19 hit us because in my mind nobody’s life is ever expendable. However, the lockdown that has transpired in light of COVID-19 has not only slowed some people down who might have needed to slow down a bit, but it also gave something to all of those people who I hear say they would spend more time with their family if only they had the time.

Well during the lockdown, unless you were a frontline worker, you had nothing but time to spend with your children and your loved ones and to focus on so many things that you would have ordinarily taken for granted. For writers with full time jobs who were sidelined due to the lockdown, you then had plenty of time to actually sit down and write the book that you always claimed you never had time for.

Also, during the lockdown, I’m not sure if you all are aware of this, but the hole that was growing in the ozone layer actually had a chance to shrink because everyone was at home and the earth could finally breathe. I read reports from people who lived in places where the air was normally foggy say that the air was actually clear for a change. For the first time in years Spring actually felt like Spring and not just an early Summer.    

In terms of the social unrest, I think that 2020 has highlighted a racial problem this country has that people had either started to believe had gotten better, or their eyes were just closed to the reality of the fact that there is a different American experience for a different set of people in this country. It’s not a reality that is new (especially if you are black in America), it is just a reality that people are actually paying more attention to now. 2020 didn’t bring about these realities, they did however, make people more aware of them.

This year may not be everything that you planned for it to be but that doesn’t mean that it didn’t make some things clearer for a vast majority of people. Hopefully it made it clearer to people what is more important. That there are things that we take for granted and that we have a chance to turn around so that we can refocus on what matters. I hope it made it clear how much damage we have done to this earth, that staying home and essentially not being outside in the world starts to actually heal some of the climate issues that we have been having for a while now. I hope that it peeled back the curtain on the fact that there are two American experiences happening here when there should only be one and maybe people can finally do something about the problem that they were closing their eyes to before.

It’s true, 2020 has been a hell of a year, one like no other, and it’s been hard. Everything that is hard and rough is essentially going to teach us something. The question is are you going to only focus on all that went wrong with this year of perfect vision or are we going to truly see the things that we had already been taking for granted for far longer than we should have been. Our vision was made clear this year, it just wasn’t what we had wanted to see. God always opens our eyes and gives us the ability to see what we need to, but he never said that what we would see would always be pretty. Until next time… #BeFocused #BeMotivated #BeGrateful


Jimmetta Carpenter 










The Examples That We Set

So in the message this past Sunday my Pastor was talking about making tough choices and being accepting and committed to whatever stage of life that you are in at the moment. He pointed out that you need to basically lean into that stage while you are in preparation for the stage that is coming next. He highlighted that there are essentially three stages of life: 1) The learning and development stage; 2) The teaching and being an example stage; and 3) The stage in which you leave a deposit. The stage I wanted to discuss in today’s post is the second one; teaching and being an example.

Now of course I would stay in the learning and development stage forever if I truly could, and in essence aren’t we always learning and developing (we should be anyway). However I believe that the stage I am in, reluctantly, is teaching and being an example, and I say reluctantly because the idea that I could be an example to anyone seems both impossible as well as terrifying. On the one hand yes I always want something that I say or do to be inspiring and motivating and encouraging but do I ever really think that little ole me can inspire others, not really. And yet, as I have started my YouTube channel I have surprisingly found out that I actually have inspired other people and provided some type of motivation for them and that is exactly what I wanted; isn’t it?

The truth is that you never know who’s watching you. You don’t know who might be looking at something that you’ve done or listened to something that you’ve said and gotten something really inspirational from it. Something that made them go out and be even more amazing than they already would’ve been anyway. It’s why I don’t take the words role model lightly and of course I want to be one to my daughter but the idea of maybe being one to other people is a bit daunting.

Don’t get me wrong, I want to be that person. I feel that is a level to the purpose that I am here to fulfill. It’s just scary, and I think that I’ve been a bit resistant. It is both the reason I wanted to do YouTube while also being the reason I was hesitant to do it, because I am forever telling myself that I don’t have anything that I can teach anyone and nothing that I do or say will matter to anyone. I can’t deny that when someone tells me that they got something from something that I wrote or something I said in one of my videos it feels good and satisfying.

I suppose you could say I haven’t really allowed myself to lean in to this teaching and being an example stage but I want to because while I doubt myself quite often, deep down I really do feel I have so much to offer others. Even if it’s in terms of my experiences and mistakes that I’ve made so that people can at the very least know what not to do. I suppose this would be the time in my life to use those struggles and hardships that I’ve had for the benefit of others so that maybe they can do something different, something better.

I thought about being a teacher when I was little (for a hot second) and the reason I didn’t pursue that goal was never because I didn’t want to be an inspiration in other people’s lives, it was more so because I didn’t think that I had the tools inside of me to actually BE an effective inspiration in other people’s lives. I see now that by just being me, by accepting the stage of life that I am in is a far greater tool than I ever realized. You may be resisting the title of “role model” but whether you realize it or not, someone is always looking at what you do. Lean into that stage. Take up the mantle and make sure that when that someone is looking at you, you’re proud of what they are seeing. Until next time… #BeInspiring #BeMotivating #BeEmpowering


Jimmetta Carpenter











Challenges Can Push Us to a Place of Growth

So as most of you guys know, I am a creature of habit (not all of the habits are good and healthy, but I digress) and I don’t particularly welcome change. Oddly enough I am also the same person who welcomes a challenge (within reason of course—I don’t do these popular social media ones)) and likes to see how far I can be pushed. Being a part of the AuthorTube community on YouTube (and if you haven’t checked out my channel, feel free to do so after reading this) there are a lot of challenges and ways they make sure to get their fellow writers motivated to be more productive. It’s almost impossible to not demand productivity of yourself when you are a part of a writing community that is just so extremely productive and they keep finding vastly different ways to produce.

So a new challenge has come up in the AuthorTube community by an AuthorTuber named Kate Cavanaugh called the MilWordy challenge and the goal is to write a million words over the next year, starting September 1, 2020. This includes all words, both fiction and non-fiction (or creative non-fiction), as well as blog posts and newsletters, poetry, and editing. So as daunting as this sounds, I have actually decided to dive right into this and I’m going to be honest and say that I don’t think that I will actually get to a million words, however, for me that is not the point. Largely what I have found within this community is accountability and ways to hold myself to a certain standard that even I myself am not sure that I can achieve.

The whole point is to try. I mean if I achieve even half of this goal then that is more than likely far more words than I would’ve gotten had I not done the challenge. But also, what if I actually complete this goal? How many projects would I have finished then? How many books will be set to be published? How many new projects that I was supposed to have started by now could I not only start but actually get started on and maybe even complete? I want to push myself and this is a good way to do that.

Challenges are good for that. They make us, at the very least, attempt the things that we have programmed ourselves to think are impossible. Challenges make us raise our own standards and stop expecting the bare minimum of what we have to offer this world. Challenges, both the ones that are thrown at us and the one’s in which we impose on ourselves, are what help us to grow as people.

What or who has challenged you on your journey? Have you resisted that challenge or did you allow yourself to lean in? I hope that any of you writers out there that read this perhaps click on the link in this post to Kate’s video and check out the details of the challenge or if not make your own challenge to see just how much you can achieve if you push yourself to. Let’s see how far we can get if we just pushed a little past what we expected of ourselves! Until next time… #BeBold #BeCourageous #BeMotivated  


Jimmetta Carpenter 










Keep Your Eyes on the Finish Line

You ever watch a sports game and find yourself constantly staring at the scoreboard when things get heightened. Things are tense, the score is close and your team is so close to making that comeback that you’ve been waiting most of the second half for them to make. You’re sitting on the sidelines so naturally you can keep a watchful eye on the score almost simultaneously as you watch the plays being navigated on the field or floor.

Well as a fan you can do that because you’re not playing the game yourself. But could you imagine what would happen if the players in the game kept their eyes on the scoreboard the entire time, trying to see just how close the score is getting. Trying to figure out just how far they are from the finish line and if they might have a chance to actually pull from behind and take the win? They can’t afford to split their focus between watching and comparing point for point how they measure up against the opposition. If they are constantly watching the scoreboard then that means that they aren’t concentrating on the forward moves that they need to be making to win the game.

Well life is much like a sports game in that way. You are always going to be in some form of competition against someone else who is trying to get to the same place that you are trying to get to. Who may very well be trying to do the exact same things that you are doing (ex. writing in the same genre, or writing the same type of short story, or writing the same kind of music, etc.). If you are a creative, chances are that you already realize that you’re not the only creative person in the world.

There are thousands, if not millions, trying to be just as successful in the same field you are trying to be successful in. If your focus is always on the person next to you, the one that you might be in direct competition with, then how can you possibly concentrate on what you’re producing and how you are representing yourself in terms of the work that you present? You might be great at multi tasking but you can not watch the scoreboard AND watch the path in front of you at the same time. If you’re so busy focused on where the other players are measuring up then you can’t possibly have solid focus on the road ahead of you.

Comparison is such a dangerous thing when you are in the creative field because you always want your work to shine and of course you want to win and while it’s true that you aren’t always going to be the winner in every scenario, you most certainly can’t win if your head isn’t in the game (and not on the scoreboard). Your only real competition is yourself so if you keep your focus on always being better than the person that you were the day before then you’ve already won. So when you get tempted to check the scoreboard of life, to see how close you are to getting the win, remember that the best way to make sure you secure the win is to keep your eyes straight ahead of you, and to keep moving forward towards the goal line. The finish line is not on the scoreboard! Until next time… #BeFocused #BeMindful #BePurposeful


Jimmetta Carpenter 










Are You Willing to Stand Out?

“You can’t stand out unless you are willing to be outstanding!” ~Bishop John A. Cherry II   

The message from my Pastor this past Sunday via live stream church service was about setting things in order in our lives. He stressed that in this current time we should not only be using our time to get things back on track in our everyday lives (that is of course if you entered into this Pandemic with things being off track—as I did) but he also spoke to the efforts we must consciously make to keep them moving forward and in the right direction to fulfill your purpose. A part of those efforts have to include being willing to stand out and a large reason as to why anyone stands out is by doing something worth noticing.

I desire a career that will give me a platform with the ability to use my words and other creative talents to make big and bold changes, not just within the literary world, but in the hearts of people in general. Yet I spend a lot of time trying to not be noticed, to not do anything that any one person can single me out for. I try to separate my personal from my professional, often times hoping the two will never meet but that is not because I don’t in fact desire to change this world in a big bold way. It is because I fear that I won’t change this world with any real significance and if I fail to be of good use to this world somehow, then I can’t be singled out for not fulfilling my purpose. As if God wouldn’t automatically know that I was too busy trying to hide my light instead of focusing on doing what He called me to do which would directly place me into the path with the most light.

I was asked once why I don’t share certain things that I do on my professional pages, onto my personal social media pages and I didn’t really have a good answer for them. I suppose I’m too afraid that I’ll fail and that way if you see the Author version of me fail it’s not like you saw the real me fail. If you see my magazine fail, it’s not like you saw me fail. There’s also the thing about me being apprehensive about asking people I know in my personal life to support my professional endeavors. It’s not by any means because I don’t want their support. It’s because I’m afraid I won’t get it anyway and if I don’t ask I don’t have to hear someone I know personally, someone who I might have thought was for me, and wanted me to succeed, blatantly refuse to be supportive of my art. I guess it would be a little hurtful and thus I don’t ask. However, I leave out all of those who would by doing that.

Now I can’t promise to change this practice overnight and suddenly merge the personal side of me with the professional, because we are in fact one in the same. I will acknowledge that I need to be a little more willing to share my light and not be afraid of the result, whatever that may be. I do want big things out of my life. I have a big, and bold legacy that I would like to leave behind for my daughter and any children she may have in the future. I also want to be someone who empowers others to live out their dreams, especially because I didn’t really have anyone to empower me to live out mine. But I can’t do any of that if I am too afraid to stand out. If I’m not willing to do anything outstanding, then how can I ever truly inspire others to be? So if you are dimming your light for the sake of someone else, don’t! Let your light shine bright and be the outstanding and amazing person that you were always meant to be. The world needs your light! Until next time… #BeBrave #BeBright #BeOutstanding


Jimmetta Carpenter 








